Friday, September 24, 2010

Responsible Dog Ownership Day

Responsible Dog Ownership Day is officially Saturday, September 25, 2010.  While picking up after our dogs during a walk is extremely important, there are so many more aspects involved with pet care.  They   depend on us. It is our responsibility to keep them healthy with regular veterinarian visits and to provide a safe and loving home.  Training is a must, as well as grooming and exercise. Add socializing, spaying,  neutering and of course, don't forget to play!)

This weekend, let's give our pets the gift of time.  Take them for a walk.  Let them curl up in your lap while you read your favorite novel.  Maybe they could use a good brushing. Don't rush. Simply stay in the moment.  A nice massage after the brushing will probably earn you extra points.

Gently open their mouth and check their teeth and take a peek in their ears.  Take note of how their breath and ears smell.  Wash their dog beds.  Maybe a bath is needed which will be the perfect time for the massage. Check their food labels and make sure you are satisfied with the  ingredients.  Take them for a ride even if it's just to the post office.  (They should always be safely restrained in the car by using a crate or travel harness that attaches to the seat belt.)

Vow to never leave them unattended outdoors, even if the yard is fenced in.  Get rid of the "tie out stake" and walk them for elimination.  Checkout some local shelters and look into volunteering

To continue the celebration of pets, there is a wealth of information provided in the following websites.  The first is and O Magazine and is called Loving Our Pets.

The second link is Martha Stewart's website with information on her pets, adopting, pet products and much more.  Be sure to enter the Halloween photo contest!

We have another blog about dogs on Word Press you might enjoy.  Simply go to:

Always pick up after your dogs!