Thursday, June 16, 2011

Greyhound corns...Before and After Homeopathic Treatment

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly…Greyhound corns… “Before” and “After” Homeopathic Treatment

Above, we have my Greyhound’s “before and after” photos.   As I look at the “before” pictures – all I can think of is “ouch”!
Here’s her story…
To the best of our knowledge, Bounce’s corns appeared about three years ago, when she was 5.   I consulted with her veterinarian and we discussed various options for relief.  She stated she did not want to consider surgery at the moment.
According to our vet, the corns would most likely return with a vengeance. (In other words… faster and larger!)  Not to mention the lengthy recovery time, the pain, risk of infection and just the fact of having to put the hound under for surgery.
She recommended we do our best to maintain the corns by keeping them below surface level as this seems to provide the temporary, needed relief.  She also mentioned to cushion her feet during walks.  The boots might also keep new corns from forming.
I also discussed the situation with Bounce’s chiropractor and she agreed that surgery should probably be the last resort.
Bounce was extremely tolerant of the constant probing and picking.  
As she lay on her bed, I would tell her to go to her “happy” place :)   If she appeared uncomfortable, I would cover her eyes with a small towel. Generally, she was a good sport and fully cooperated.
Initially, I had to “dig” them out  about every 6 weeks; using my fingernails.  I would use  thumb and forefinger in a back and forth motion (like a top loader washing machine) to get a good grip and then literally twist them off.
Did you know there are cases in which the corns became so large and painful that the end result was amputation?
Over time, the corns would decide to pop up at about every 5 weeks instead of 6. In addition, over the course of the past year, I had to remove them every 3 weeks.   This was really starting to concern me due to the fact they were not shrinking and we were seeing a lot less of the affected toe pads and more of the corn!  The corns appeared to be winning.
So, what exactly causes the corns?
There are many theories as to the cause of the corns.  The lack of fat on a Greyhound’s body also leaves them with a deficit of natural cushioning on their toe pads causing constant friction as the bone rubs against the pad.
Another thought is that their tender toes might allow a small piece of debris to enter the pad and a callous will form around the foreign object.
Next, we have the virus theory which certainly makes a lot of sense. It is that particular theory, along with homeopathic treatment – that has just about eliminated the smaller of the two corns and the larger one is well on it’s way to being a thing of the past.
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear…
I wrote about the corns in a previous post; desperately requesting help in this matter. Soon, I received an understanding note from a Homeopathic Practitioner informing me that she has developed a natural formula to help the hounds with very positive results!
I immediately wrote back for more information as I was interested in beginning treatment ASAP-as in yesterday!   Finally…help was on the way.  I told Bounce I believe I just had a conversation with her guardian angel…
As I applied the oil, I realized I was telling those nasty rascals they were not welcome and they had no choice in the matter but to go away-the sooner the better!)
Administering the remedy is a simple and painless process applied over a 4-8 week period. (No need to cringe at the word “process”.)  Seriously, it takes  2-3 minutes at most per day.
After only 5 days into the treatment, I already knew there was something going on.  The remedy was working from the inside out – getting where it needs to go and moving the corn up and out.
During those first 5 days, I actually had to remove a part of the corn that had surfaced already.  After another 5 days – same thing.  (I have to be honest here…my initial thinking was that the corns were growing faster when actually, they were healing from the inside out with the base of the imbedded portion being pushed out.) After another 2 weeks,  if part of the corn would surface, I was able to simply “peel” off a very thin, softer layer (not the rock hard pieces as before!)
They were getting smaller in diameter and the pad was healing.  She was more comfortable walking on hard surfaces.
I am so pleased with the treatment.  Bounce is more relaxed. It shows in her facial expressions; especially in her eyes.  She appears to have more energy and looks forward to her walks.
For more information on this homeopathic remedy, you can email me at:
Until next time…
Please help a Greyhound by sharing this article in it’s entirety.  Scroll down to see the options for sharing.
Now, just for fun…
Here is a picture of our toe model as a youngster – BBC (“Bounce” …Before Corns)

We adopted our first Greyhound, Bonita, in 1992. Bounce came to us in 2003 (as a puppy) through a relative in Florida.   She comes from a family of lure coursing champions.

As adults, Greyhounds are so elegant and regal.  On the other hand, they are the cutest puppies, as well.
After being in her new home for just a couple of hours, it’s very apparent she was ruling the roost at 9 weeks of age…already telling her big brother it definitely was in his best interest to release the Frisbee…

Friday, June 10, 2011

Help! My Greyhound has corns on her toes! Important updates...

Important updates…

IMPORTANT UPDATE REGARDING CORN REMOVAL SINCE THE PUBLISHING OF THIS POST…(I am so pleased with the results that I am now a distributor of this homeopathic remedy)
To order, please email me at:
6/8/11    Let’s take a look at some of the “before” pictures…
6/8/11   Within the next couple of days I will post the amazing “after” pictures.  It has been 6 weeks and I am still dabbing just a drop onto each area in the evening but I am sure you will agree the results to date are astounding.
For more information and to purchase the homeopathic remedy using your PayPal account, please email me at:
Tell me about your dog and how long have those nasty corns been around and how many of them you are dealing with.
***5/17/11    One corn has just about disappeared!!    The larger one will need the 2 full extra weeks.   She is not in pain any longer.   Soon, I will have more information for you to obtain the homeopathic remedy.

Effective 4-17-11, I have been working closely with a homeopathic practitioner in the removal of my hound’s corns.  We are looking at an approximate 4-6 week painless process.   However, calling it a “process” does not do it justice as it involves a total of 2 minutes (or less) per day.  I am very excited about this and will keep everyone posted as to the results.    I am also very pleased to announce that I will be distributing her remedy in the very near future.
Now, on to the original post…
I’ve heard this is common in Greyhounds and might have something to do with their lack of body fat.  The Princess Hound I refer to in many of these posts has two corns-one on the second toe of both front feet.  Try to imagine a good-sized piece of gravel embedded in each of your big toes.  You’ll probably feel them with every step.   Ouch!
I remove them about every 3-4 weeks.    While this can be uncomfortable for her, she’s extremely tolerant of the procedure.  (But, no, she does not get couch and popcorn privileges, regardless of her cooperation during the process…)
When she is laying down (which is 99.5% of the time) I sit next to her, grab a foot and tell her to go to her “happy place” :)   I loosen the corn by going back and forth (like a top-loader washing machine) using thumb and forefinger nails. Eventually, I can continually twist it in one direction until it breaks off.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Will your dog be the next "Biggest Loser"?

Is your Pug seriously starting to resemble a sumo wrestler?
Has your Greyhound lost her “girlish” figure and in desperate need of Spanx?
Has your Lab been “snorting and grunting” around the house?  How long has he been affectionately known as “Porky”?
I s  Y o u r  D o g  G o i n g  T o  B e  t h e  N e x t  “B i g g e s t  L o s e r” ?

I believe your dog has entered…
…the “Pleasingly Plump Pooch Zone”
Thirty years ago, we were the proud “parents” of two Dobermans and a Cairn Terrier.   The terrier was about one-quarter the size of the Dobes and that half-cup of kibble barely covered the bottom of his bowl. It just never appeared to be enough but I faithfully fed the proper amount every day.
Here a treat, there a treat…everywhere a treat, treat!
I knew they required more than just dry dog food.  (Just as we require more than the same box of cereal, 3x per day, 7 days a week…)  I would supplement on various days with more than just a multi-vitamin. I added fruits, veggies, yogurt, oils, etc. He was always slim and trim until…little did I know…that those big, brown eyes were earning him lots and lots of points in terms of excessive snacks…

Prior to heading home with him after having his teeth professionally cleaned;  we were told by his vet that he needed to lose some poundage.  As most owners, I believe I was possibly offended by that statement.   This subject was prompted by the fact that it took him a bit longer than normal to wake up after the anesthesia. (If I remember correctly, I was told this is common with an overweight dog and it had something to do with the extra fat cells.)
A wise veterinarian gave me some great advice at that time
To help me understand what was going on, he asked us to run an experiment for a week; recommending we keep track of everything the dog ate during the course of a day.  Not just by writing it down…he wanted us to actually see what he was consuming.  Example:  Dog gets 1/2 cup of food, and 1/2 cup goes into the “experiment” dish.  The dog gets a treat, a treat goes into the “experiment” dish, etc.  Everyone feeding the dog had to participate.  After 2 days, I understood how his nickname had changed from “Little Stud Muffin” to “Jelly Roll” over the course of a few months.  He was practically eating Doberman rations!
Here’s what was going on when I wasn’t looking…
My in-laws were visiting from out-of-state and the little guy was their favorite. (I guess many don’t consider Dobermans to be “cute and cuddly”!)  She would toss tidbits while cooking and he always made sure his plate had some leftovers for the lad.
We also had the weekly visits to my grandparent’s house.  The little rascal would literally run through the door and sit in front of the fridge and stare.  He knew his diligence would eventually pay off and the door would magically open.  After all, he was the “bologna whisperer”!
Killing him with kindness
This behavior was just “too cute” for Grandma and Grandpa and I would catch Gramps tossing the 20# dog a piece of bologna as though it was a frisbee, with a chaser of limburger cheese (yum…)  with a few of Grandma’s homemade cookies for dessert!  (Sometimes they doubled up on the bologna because they couldn’t believe that he could catch and inhale before it hit the ground!)
The solution was simple at that time.  JUST DON’T FEED HIM SO MUCH!
It starts to add up quickly.  Luckily, it was summertime during his “doggy fat farm boot camp” and within a month, his waistline returned.  During the reduction phase, I fed him the same amount of his regular kibble but without the “added attractions”.  The few treats he received were broken in half to go twice as far.   Quite often, we simply used pieces of his food for treats.
The in-laws went back to Florida and we compromised with Gramps.  We allowed one piece of bologna about the size of a thumbnail…(or so they promised…) Eventually, he was weaned off bologna but he still stared intently at the door of the fridge.  We decided to let him think he still had his magical powers and he was just as happy to chase the carrots we left for him in their fridge.
Current statistics show that 40-50% of dogs in the US are overweight
Sometimes we just forget about using commonsense.  Our dogs will gain weight if they eat more than they burn off.  Same with us.  We may not think we eat too much, or eat too much of the wrong foods but the love handles, muffin tops and bat flaps for arms are a good indication that the cookies, jelly beans and sodas have found a home.
Quite often, our four-footed friends might need a little jumpstart in the early stages of “doggie fat farm boot camp”.  I recently wanted to take a few pounds off of the Greyhound this winter (the first dog in 30 years with a need to lose a little around the waistline since the Cairn).  So, for about a month, with great success, I switched her food to Life’s Abundance Weight Loss Formula for adult dogs.
Eat to live.  Don’t live to eat.
Greyhounds generally have a “to die for” metabolism and while I kept her on the reduction food for about a month, she had actually slimmed down and lost the “belly fat” within about 10 days.  She was able to eat the same amount of kibble but this formula has 30% fewer calories so she was none the wiser.  In addition, I was confident feeding this food as it is formulated by Dr. Jane Bicks, a holistic veterinarian.
She is now back to her regular diet.  She loved the weight loss food and it agreed with her system from day one .
Click on the above link to find out more about this food and their other products.  (Some of you may know the company previously as Healthy Pet Net but the food was always called Life’s Abundance.)
Oh, and did I mention you can order online and that it’s shipped via UPS directly to your door?  An “auto-ship” option is also available to ensure you never run out and it offers a price savings, as well.  They carry functional treats and chews the dogs tell me are delicious, as well.
Want to know “What’s Really in Your Pet’s Food?“  Then click on this or the below link for a video that’s a real eye opener! If you experience any difficulties with the below link, you can copy and paste the following into a new browser:
My heart goes out to these dogs.  These photos are not meant to be degrading, humorous or entertaining-just a harsh reality.  If your dog resembles the bulldog in the above photo or any of them below-SEE YOUR VET  IMMEDIATELY!  One of the photos shows the overweight Golden Retriever chasing a tennis ball.  This dog should not be subject to this type of exercise at this time.
The terrier I was referring to earlier in the post only needed to lose a few pounds but a few pounds on a 20# dog is actually quite a bit.  My Greyhound should weight between 68# and 72# and she was about 75#  when we put her on the Life’s Abundance weight reduction food.  We fed her the same amount but the food has 30% less calories and she shed the weight very quickly-in the middle of winter!
You do not need a scale to know your dog is overweight.  If their waistline starts disappearing or you see a tummy bulge when they are laying on their side or you do not see their tummies tucked in any longer when standing-then it’s time to do something.  Can you “easily” feel their ribs?  (No cheating!) Remember…you probably see the dog everyday and hopefully, someone that hasn’t seen the dog in a while will honestly say something if the dog is becoming a “portly” pooch.  Don’t wait until your dog looks like some of those below.  Most of these dogs should have been on a reduction diet over 20# ago.  It’s a very SERIOUS matter as years are being taken off their lives.

Always pick up after your pets!
Content copyright 2010 . My Dog Never Did That Before, Dog Notes, Inc. All rights reserved.
Dog Notes, Inc.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

No Justice for Jonny: Michael Vick Dog at Center of Pit Bull Debate

Thursday, March 17, 2011
by Jim Gorant
March 14, 2011

Jonny Justice at home in San Francisco. [Photo by Amado Garcia]
Michael Vick's return to wealth and prosperity continued earlier this month with a new $20 million NFL contract -- while one of his former dogs is suffering another setback.
Vick, who served 21 months in prison for running a dog-fighting ring, signed a one-year deal with the Philadelphia Eagles after leading the team to a 10-6 record last year. The 30-year-old quarterback's financial comeback comes less than three years after he filed for bankruptcy following his conviction. However, one of the best stories to come out of the Michael Vick scandal -- the rehabilitation of a small black-and-white pit bull named Jonny Justice -- may not have such a happy ending.
Find out what happened to 19 other dogs...
After he was rescued, Jonny's unrelenting enthusiasm won him a new home with Cris Cohen, a volunteer for the pit bull rescue organization BAD RAP. Upon arriving at Cohen’s San Francisco home in December 2007, Jonny responded well to the attention and training he received from Cohen and his fiancee Jen Long. He passed his Canine Good Citizen test (an American Kennel Club standard that probes 10 aspects of a dog’s temperament), and was certified as a therapy dog. He went to work in a program called Paws for Tales, in which kids read to dogs at libraries, helping to build their confidence and passion for reading.
Michael VickMichael Vick was convicted of operating an illegal dog-fighting facility in Virginia in 2007. [Photo: Getty]
Jonny worked for more than 18 months in libraries all over San Mateo County. He appeared on CNN, CBS and in countless newspapers and magazines, including starring roles in a cover story I wrote for Parade last summer (Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?) and a subsequent book (The Lost Dogs). Jonny wasn’t simply helping kids read, he was teaching us all about the unfair bias against pit bulls -- and the power of redemption.
Then it all came to a halt.
Last summer, Patricia Harding, a librarian in Burlingame, Calif., banned pit bulls from the Paws for Tales program in her facility. Neither Cohen nor Jonny had ever worked at Harding's library, but another volunteer and her pit bull were suddenly no longer welcome. Cohen, an advocate for the breed, was offended by the ban.
He approached the Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA, which oversees 60 human-canine Paws for Tales teams in 20 cities. He wanted the Humane Society to pull the program from Burlingame in protest. “We asked [the library] to reconsider. They said they liked the program but didn’t want pit bulls,” says Scott Delucchi, of Peninsula Humane Society. “We were disappointed, but thought, ‘If we pull the program who loses? The kids.’ So we decided to continue.”
In January, Cohen and Jonny resigned from Paws for Tales in protest. He teamed with lawyers associated with BAD RAP and checked the state’s laws. According to California’s Food and Agricultural Code (Section 31681-31683), it is illegal to act against any animal based on breed except in the case of instituting mandatory spay and neuter programs. Cohen wrote a letter pointing this out to the librarian and Burlingame city leaders, including the mayor Terry Nagel, vice mayor Jerry Deal, and Jim Nantell, the city manager.
Two weeks ago, he finally heard back. City attorney Gus Guinan acknowledged that in accordance with the code, the ban would be lifted. Good news, right? Well, not quite. The letter also noted that the library decided to withdraw from the Paws for Tales program completely.
Vick's dogs
Where are Michael Vick's
dogs today?
  Click here to find out...
Although all dogs are tested extensively before joining the program, and they carry $2 million in liability insurance, Harding cited “safety and liability issues” for pulling the program. “For the amount of concerns we had we weren’t reaching enough kids,” she added.
She could not remember a specific reason for the initial ban, but noted, “Parents had concerns about dogs in the library, and since we need to allow all dogs we decided the program didn’t fit our needs.”
The library’s position seems justifiable on the surface. The Peninsula Humane Society sounds reasonable when it argues that even without pit bulls the program produces positive results. But what if the situation involved people instead of dogs? If one entire group—Native Americans, Mormons, lefthanders, etc.—were eliminated from a program because of a preconceived bias against it, would the local citizens stand for that?
“Some may see it as a loss to the children of the community. But I don't,” says Cohen. “A library is a source of information and learning. If the person in charge is participating in discrimination, children should not be anywhere near that facility. There is too much hate in this world already, children do not need to learn it at the library.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dog in Japan stays by the side of it's ailing friend in the rubble

Posted on by dognotesinc

by Brett Michael Dykes

Nature's Alarm Clock

You probably think I am going to write about the beautiful sound of the birds in the morning when spring is right around the corner.  Or, possibly, the faithful wake-up call of the rooster?  Maybe the sound of the newspaper plopping onto the driveway? For those of you that like to sleep in, maybe it’s the sound of a lawnmower.  As for me, I could easily fit into one of those Folgers commercials as my favorite is the smell of fresh, brewed coffee.
For those that have difficulty jumping out of bed in the morning...
I have the perfect solution.  Finally, an alarm clock that truly works because you can’t cheat.  While it does have a “snooze” button, it’s not a very functional one.
My invention would be...
an alarm clock that offers only one choice of sound to wake you. This is the sound of a dog puking.  If you try to hit the snooze button, it will greet you with the sound of the dog quickly slurping the delicacy for breakfast before it cools off.
Want to sneak in a quick nap in the afternoon?  “The Deluxe Power Nap – Silent but Deadly” version of this alarm clock has the same features as the basic model but will emit the actual smell of a Greyhound  passing the nastiest gas every 20 minutes or so to make sure you don’t fall back into a deep sleep.  It’s so realistic, you would swear she was laying right next to the bed.

Sweet dreams!
Until next time…
**We need a catchy name for the basic model.   Send your ideas!
Content copyright 2011 . My Dog Never Did That Before, Dog Notes, Inc.. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Does your dog bite?" Weekly Whine series...

“Does your dog bite?” Weekly Whine series…

As a dog owner,  I’ll bet you are asked that question a lot!   Many people wanting to approach you and your dog might also ask “Is he alright?” (This  probably means the same thing… but it’s also up for discussion.)
(Alright?   Such as… is he hungry? nice? mean? sick? perverted? right in the head?  infested with fleas? did he get enough sleep last night? horny? getting an urge to chew on something right about now?)
It’s always interesting that they seem to ask this when they are a foot away with their arms already extended, bending over and uttering gibberish. We shed some light on this question in a previous post.
For example, let’s take a look at this little guy at the top of page.  At first, he might appear to be quite nasty.  (Will he bite?)  I don’t know.  On second thought, he appears to be just a pup caught by the camera in a funny, playful pose.  (But, is he really alright?)  I don’t know. Define “alright”.
In addition, you really need to take a good look at the person behind the answers.
The next time someone asks if your dog is “alright” – have a little fun with it.  If you can impersonate Bobcat Goldthwait, so much the better!
Checkout this 30 second video clip as Bobcat talks about accidentally setting a couch on fire as a guest on The Tonight Show!—public-service-announcement
Is he alright?
(Person approaching)  “Is he alright…?”
(Dog walker using Bobcat’s voice)  “Well, let’s see…is he alright?  Yeah, I think so.  He had a good appetite this morning and his poop looked pretty good.  There were a few unidentifiables in there but for the most part, yeah, he’s OK and thank you very much for asking.”
(Person approaching) “Maybe I should rephrase my question…”What I really mean is this…Is he OK?”
(Bobcat Dog Walker)  “Hmmm…he’s had all his shots, if that’s what you mean but this morning he started answering to the name of Cujo. Can you define ‘alright’?”
(Person approaching-still clueless) “He won’t jump on me, will he?”
(Bobcat Dog Walker) “That’s hard to say.  Probably not, except for about 50% of the time.  Depends if he likes you or not.  Even then, it’s still about 50/50.  He’s not even paying attention to you so I don’t know.  Just don’t talk “baby talk” to him.  I don’t think he likes that.  Do you have a cookie for him.  He really likes cookies. I’ll take one, too.”
(Person approaching-who is not approaching too quickly anymore) “I mean, how is he with people?”
(Bobcat Dog walker) “People?  Yeah, sure, he’s seen people.   Some days, he even chases men wearing hats.  One hot summer day, he didn’t feel like chasing this one guy, so he just walked right up and peed on him; like three times.”
(Person approaching is now starting to look at me more than the dog) “Why do you think he did th…?   Oh, never mind.    How is he around kids?”
(Bobcat Dog Walker)  “As long as they don’t look like the neighbor’s kids, I don’t know what he would do “
(Person approaching-who is now starting to back away)  “I really have to go now.  All I wanted to know was – does your dog bite?”
Watch this Pink Panther video clip for the answer…(Peter Sellers as Inspector Jacque Clouseau)

The above was a lighthearted approach to a serious issue and we have some serious answers at the end of the post.
While I don’t mind answering questions about my dogs, I shake my head in disbelief at the parents who allow their kids to run towards my dogs (or any dogs) while doing the “Doggie! Doggie!” thing. They approach head on shrieking with their little arms flailing.  At this point the parents are yelling from 30 feet away, (as an afterthought) “Is he alright?”  They expect and allow the dog walker (a complete stranger) to control the situation.
At this point, I should ask if their kids are “alright…” as they are the ones that appear to be out of control.
I understand both parents and their children need to be educated on this subject.  This time, they are extremely lucky they are approaching an experienced handler with a couple of easy-going dogs.  But hey, do these parents want to find out that someone’s dog “Never Did That Before” at the expense of their children?
Let’s face it, as much as we want to believe they are people in little furry coats, we are still dealing with animals.  Domesticated, but still animals. Even highly trained police K-9 dogs have slipped away from their handlers and chased kids, knocked them down and have also bitten.
Many of these people don’t own dogs (but, then again, a lot of them do!) and they want to educate their kids at the expense of others.  That goes right along with this thought process…”Our dog is going to have puppies so the children can experience the miracle of birth “.     Hmmm…wouldn’t it be easier to hand them a book with lots of pictures? Better yet, why not just show them the film of their own birth?  That should put a lid on it.  After that, you might as well just call the vet and make the appointment because you don’t know “nothin’ ’bout “birthin’ no puppy babies”, anyway!”
Therefore, my answer to them in the future as they approach and ask “Does your dog bite?”  I will have to smile and say…”I don’t know…he’s not my dog.”
Training tip…
Will my dogs bite?  Probably not.  If someone accidentally steps on the dog’s foot and they are face to face with the dog, will the dog bite if startled?   My dogs?  Still, probably not.  Could they be startled enough to move very quickly, accidentally knocking someone down?  Sure.  Would I let a child run up to a dog?  Hell, no.  Even if I knew the dog and his “parents”?   Nope.
Generally, most people walking their dogs have no control except for the leash and collar.  Equipment failure never crosses their mind.  The dog appears out of control and people will still want to approach and “pet” the dog after asking “Is he alright?”
Possibly the person walking the dogs is just that…the dog walker!  Nothing more. Their job is to walk the dogs.   As far as the dog being “alright”…who knows.   Here’s a thought -  does the dog walker (or even the owner) know that today the dog’s left ear is extremely painful when touched due to the beginning of an infection?  That dog should not be out and walking until the situation is remedied.
A very basic rule to follow for both those approaching a dog and also for those at the other end of the leash is this:
Always ask permission to visit with someone’s dog.  (Just because a dog is out in public is not an open invitation.) Next, ask them to have the dog sit and to hold that sit as they approach from the side.  If the dog cannot remain seated, do not approach any further until a later date as the dog progresses with his training.
For those walking the dog-if your dog is too excited to sit when people approach, you do not have control.  At this point, it’s probably not a good idea to let people start petting him and getting him overly excited as he might jump up on them; of which that in itself might scare quite a few.  In addition, there is the possibility of scratching, bumping and bruising, getting knocked over and bitten even if they were just playing.
However, continue to work on the controlled sit using people as your distractions during training.  Many are happy to help.  Have your dog hold that sit-stay as the people simply walk by and continue on their way.  This will help your dog to stay focused and calm when he sees people in the future.
Is that your dog?
One more hint for those walking their own dogs…if he misbehaves… apologize profusely stating over and over again that he’s not your dog (you’re just doing a favor for someone) and that you would never allow your own dog to behave this way.
Until next time…
Always pick up after your dogs!
Dog Notes, Inc.